Hi visitors. You might be searching for the most profitable altcoin to mine right now.If you have heard about Solaris mining, XLR and don’t know how to start and want to know about other XLR mining realted stuff then keep reading this post to know everything about mining XLR.
Thanks to “Borja Sánchez” for letting me know about mining this altcoin on Telegram. If you haven’t joined JKCrypto Miners group on Telegram then join from here.
Brief Intro About Solaris : XLR
Solaris is decentralized cryptocurrency and features masternodes. Currently XLR is minable and is ASICs resistant and uses XEVAN algrorithm for POW.
At present XLR is on block 228090 and after 259200 block, it will go to POS. During POS phase you will be earning XLR by stacking nodes and masternodes. Very soon XLR will be implementing zerocoin protocol which will make all transactions on the network untraceable( private transactions)
XLR Mining Pool : cryptohub
Solaris Exchange : coinexchange.io
XLR Miners : CCMiner , SGMiner, CPUMiner (download links below)
Solaris Explorer :cryptoid.info
XLR Mining Algo : XEVAN
POW Ends :259200 block
POS Starts : 259201 block
Block Time : 60 Seconds
Current Profitability/Day : $5/1080 Ti
Current Price : $1.3 , 0.00013969 BTC
Why To Mine Solaris ? : XLR
- Mining rewards will be reduced by 50% on ~6 December. Better to mine it right now as we can see price increase.
- This coin’s profitability is $5/day/1080 ti which is similar to zcoin mining profitability . So you won’t be loosing money.
- Once Solaris enter POS then the only way to earn XLR is by stacking nodes and master nodes. We can expect an increase in price.
- Very soon XLR will be implementing zercoin protocol (zcoin is the first cryptocurrency to implement zerocoin protocol). We can expect an increase in price
If you don’t want to mine Solaris then it’s up to you. Mining rewards is similar to most profitable altcoin to mine with 1080 ti Zcoin. My advice would be to buy some XLR right now and hold till 6 December 2017.You can also do this, mine zcoin and sell zcoin to buy XLR.
I will be mining XLR till 6 December and will not sell mined XLR. Lets see what happens after 6 Dec.
I am not a crypto analyst. Do your own research before investing.
Solaris Wallet
Wallet is used for storing/sending/receiving coins. XLR has many wallets available, check them below.
Get XLR Desktop Wallet.
You can also access XLR Web Wallet .
Guide : How to Mine Solaris , XLR
1. Download the Miner Nvidia , AMD , CPU Miner
2. Visit XLR Mining Pool- Cryptohub
3. Create new account or sign in.
4. Extract the downloaded miner and open xlr.bat ( right-click and edit)
5. Add following to the bat file and replace it accordingly. See images below for help.
- Change “[email protected]” this with your email id which you used during sign up at cryptohub
- If your share are rejected more than 1% due to low difficulty then set difficulty manually. Change “x” to “1”. So that you have -p 1
7. That’s it, run xlr.bat and mining will start instantly.
My Mining Experience with Solaris Mining
I have 7 X GTX 1080 Ti.
My rig hashrate is 40 mH/s.
I started mining XLR today and will be sharing exact results after some time.
As of now I can say for each GTX 1080 Ti you will be mining 4.3 XLR/Day/1080 Ti, which is roughly equals $5 per day.
Solaris Mining Profitability
Today 1 December 2017, XLR mining giving $5/Day/1080 Ti.
Few days left for mining don’t miss the train.
Solaris Mining Performance
Each Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti will give you around 5.7 Mh/second.
If you own any other mining gpu they you can share your gpu hashrate in comments below.
Some Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Best GPU to Mine XLR ?
Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti, GTX 1070 Ti.
Should I Invest in XLR?
Yes.We can see price increase after implementation of zerocoin protocol and after POW mining ends.
Coin don’t have enough marketcap currently 0.7 million USD so consider this risky. By the way I will be holding some around 150 XLR.
Which Miner do I Use ?
I am using modded miner for xevan algo , download link given above.
Which Pool Do I Use For Mining ?
I use cryptohub pool.
How do I edit XLR miner .bat file?
already mentioned in the post above, check it.
Where can I trade Buy/Sell XLR ?
Currently XLR is listed on coinexchange.
What is the Best Overclock Setting For Solaris Mining ?
These are the minimum stable OC settings which will work on most of the Nvidia GPU’s.
tdp : 80%-100%
core : +50
memory : +300
How to Overclock Nvidia Cards For Mininig
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I write about Crypto mining, trading, referral programs. I have been in the cryptocurrency industry for the last 4 years.
Imre Csoka says
I tried Cryptohub pool and i cant bloody connect, i get a silly session has been closed nonsense.
Bitsend and Amsterdam coin pool work fine (various other pools), i cant find one decent bloody XLR pool to mine with , i dont understand why it is a such a pain to find one.
I am using the correct wallet also XEVAN , not NIST5 so i dont understand this.
unbelievable thats all
For me cryptohub pool works perfect.
Currently mining zcoin and will provide $7-$9/1080 ti/day