Hey Cryptominers What’s up. JKCrypto comes up with a new mining guide. In this article you will get to know about how to start mining Bulwark, BWK best mining pool and stable overclock settings and best mining software. Bulwark is launched recently and it is one of the most profitable coins to mine right now.
I have shared about mining Bulwark on Telegram Group some days ago when rewards were $15/Day/1080 Ti. I hope you were one of the early Bulwark miners. If not, BWK mining is still profitable and will give you about $10-$15/Day/1080 Ti. Right now the difficulty is doubled, so the reward is reduced but price is stable around $11/BWK. Check this post for GTX 1080 ti mining.
Want to buy a new graphics card for mining check this post to know best mining graphics card.

Brief Intro About Bulwark Coin : BWK
Coin Ticker : BWK
BWK Mining Pool : http://bsod.pw/, yiimp.masterhash.us
Bulwark Exchange : Cryptopia , coinsmarkets ( mostly offline these days), stocks.exchange
BWK Miners : palginpav ccminer
BWK Mining Algo : nist5
Block Reward : 40 Bulwark
Masternode Collateral : 5000
Block Time : 60 Seconds
Like Zcoin Bulwark is a privacy coin which will implement privacy zerocoin protocol very soon.In cryptos we have seen acraze for Masternodes and POS, both of these features are implemented in Bulwark.Once POW ends there is seesaw based rewarding system between Staking and Masternodes. For more information check BWK official website.Here my main focus is on Bulwark mining.
For POW Bulwark uses Nist5 algo which is ASIC’s resistant.
Bulwark Wallet
Wallet is used for storing/sending/receiving coins. BWK has many wallets available, check them below.
Windows / Linux Bulwark Wallet
Guide : How to Mine Bulwark, BWK
1. Download the Miner from links given below.
Nvidia GPU Miners: palginmod ccminer ( 93 mH/s for GTX 1080 ti )
AMD GPU Miners: Sgminer
2. Download the BWK wallet from above link.
3. Generate BWK receving address in wallet.
I have Nvidia GTX 1080 TI and using palginpav ccminer , if you are using any other miner make changes accordingly
4. Open Bulwark.bat file( right-click and edit)
5. Add following to the bat file and replace it accordingly.
ccminer -a nist5 -o stratum+tcp://pool.bsod.pw:3834 -u bLaLK pause
6. Replace BWK address in above with your BWK address, step 2. Check image below for reference
7. That’s it, run Bulwark.bat and mining will start instantly.
To check mining stats visit bsod.pw , then wallet and enter your address.
My Mining Experience with BWK
I have 7 X GTX 1080 Ti. Two days ago I mined 20 BWK and sold them for $6 each. That was $17/Day/1080 ti.
My rig hashrate is 650 mH/s. So 93 mH/s for each GTX 1080 ti.
Bulwark Mining Profitability
Today 13 December 2017, BWK mining is giving $6/Day/1080 Ti.
Price is fluctuating so it can be $5 or $10.
Bulwark Mining Performance
Each Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti will give you around 90 Mh/s and 1.5 Bulwark/Day.
If you own any other mining gpu they you can share your gpu hashrate in comments below.
Some Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Best GPU to Mine BWK ?
Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti, GTX 1070 Ti.
Should I Invest in BWK?
No. I don’t recommend it right now. But if you are a crypto miner then why not make some money from BWK mining.
I am not holding any BWK, dumping everyday mined Bulwark
Which Miner do I Use ?
palginpav ccminer for nvidia gpu, download link given above.
Which Pool Do I Use For Mining ?
I use BSOD pool.
How do I edit Bulwark miner .bat file?
already mentioned in the post above, check it.
Where can I trade Buy/Sell BWK ?
Currently BWK is listed on cryptopia.
What is the Best Overclock Setting For Bulwark Mining ?
These are the minimum stable OC settings which will work on most of the Nvidia GPU’s.
tdp : 100%
core : +75
memory : 0
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I write about Crypto mining, trading, referral programs. I have been in the cryptocurrency industry for the last 4 years.